Security IP: PUF

Secure-IC provide Chip Security Protection IP Cores: Cryptographic algorithm IP such as AES, DES, 3-DES, ECC, RSA, SM2, SM3, SM4, SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, HMAC, countermeasure IP such as TRNG, CTR-DRBG RNG, Digital Sensor, Active Shield, PUF, Smart Monitor, Scrambled Bus, Memory Ciphering, Cyber CPU, Secure Clock, Secure Book, Secure Monitor, Secure JTAG, etc.

Secure-IC Security IP Cores: PUF

Physically Unclonable Functions
Loop PUF, not SRAM PUF, not Via PUF
TRL9 technology, deployed in ASIC (ST 65 nm, UMC 55 nm,ST 28 nm) and FPGA (Xilinx Virtex-5, 65 nm, SASEBO-GII)
Use cases: smart-meter, governmental component, crypto chip Stochastic model: to answer to SLA from the industry (e.g., reliability < 10-9, which cannot be guaranteed by trial and error, cf. MTBF and FIT: Failure-In-Time)
Standardization: ISO/IEC 20897 (4th WD), co-editors:Sylvain Guilley, Soshi Hamaguchi, Yousung Kang.
Working on PUF in the framework of KeyHAS (with ETRI)
Numerous publications:[CDGB12, CDG+13, CDL+13, CCD+14, RSGD16b, RSGD16a, LDKG16, DGNR16, FSH+16, KDLG16, KDSG17]

Product Details

Secure-IC Security IP Cores: PUF

In cryptography, a key is used by ciphers to transform a plaintext into cipher text or cipher text into plaintext. The key is a sensitive information, therefore it must be generated by a true random source and it must be stored in a secure manner to avoid invasive and non-invasive attacks. The storage in a non-volatile memory represents a risk to retrieve the key as explained in [SSAQ02] and a deterministic generation makes the key vulnerable to attacks based on observation [LHA12].
PUF IP Core is a secret key generation system based on Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF). The secret key is extracted from PUF using its intrinsic properties. The key generated by the PUF is not readable but extracted using a group of helper-data. This distinctive feature allows a real protection against the reverse-engineering techniques compared to traditional methods that store the key in non-volatile memory.
· Uniqueness: each circuit has a unique signature.
· Steadiness: the response is always the same, whatever the noise and environment.
· Unclonable/Unpredictable/Randomness: the architecture is based on the global and local variations introduced during the manufacturing process.
· Tamper resistance: the PUF is robust against invasive and non-invasive attacks.

The figure above represents the PUF architecture. The PUF manager controls the PUF sources by giving various challenges. The measurements returned by the PUF sources are processed by the manager to generate the key.

About Secure-IC Security IP Cores

Secure-IC provide various security IP cores as following list (keep updating).

AESEncryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
DES / 3-DESEncryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
RSAEncryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
ECCEncryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
HASH (SHA-1/MD-5)Encryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
SM2Encryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
SM3Encryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
SM4Encryption, against Side-Channel Attacks
TRNGTrue Random Number Generator,Digital,against Harmonic EM Attacks
PUFDigital, Anti Cloning/Counterfeiting,100% Unique, Random and Steady ID Generation
Digital Sensor Anti Fault Injection Attacks, All-in-one Fault Injection Detector, Entirely Digital
Active ShieldActive Protection against Intrusive Attacks on ASIC, Anti Intrusive Hardware Modification.
Scrambled BUSEncrypted Information to Prevent Probing on BUS, Anti Eavesdroping
Memory CipheringMemory Protection Against Reverse Engineering and Tampering
Secure ClockAnti Synchronization to prevent efficient SCA and FIA
Secure JTAGAuthentication System to Secure the debugging channel on chip, Anti JTAG Violation
Secure BootMaximum security-enabling root-on-trust, Anti Firmware Tampering
Secure MonitorMaximum security-enabling monitoring, Security policy bypass
CyberCPU CPUCPU-agnostic Cyber Attack Sensor

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