我司提供Galitt卡片测试套件,支持PURE HCE测试要求,支持ECPC CPACE卡片测试规范要求,支持NEXO终端和收单行测试要求,提供ICC Check支持基于Visa, Masercard, CPACE的个人化验证测试,提供Calypso测试案例,可测试银行卡,手机,终端等产品。
PURE - HCE Test Suite version 1.0.0 / Test plan v1.07 / Spec v1.3
CPACE Functional Card Test Suite - Card tool
Terminals > Kanest OSCar POI Test Suite Phase 2, implementing test plan OSCar POI Test Cases v2.1.2
Acquirers > Kanest OSCar Acquirer Test Suite, implementing test plan OSCar Acquirer Test Cases v2.1.2
Current version 1.5.0 > The ICC Check tool includes CB v3.1.1 allowing the verification of the personalization of CB cards based on Visa, Mastercard and CPACE.
Version 1.4.0 > This release includes CB v3.1 allowing the verification of CB cards personalized with Visa, Mastercard or CPACE.
Calypso Test Suite for Prime V3.1.0 > Specification Calypso Prime V3.3
Calypso Test Suite for Prime V2.3.0 > Specification Calypso Prime V3.2
我司提供Galitt卡片测试套件,支持PURE HCE测试要求,支持ECPC CPACE卡片测试规范要求,支持NEXO终端和收单行测试要求,提供ICC Check支持基于Visa, Masercard, CPACE的个人化验证测试,提供Calypso测试案例,可测试银行卡,手机,终端等产品。
CPACE:CPACE Functional Card Test Suite - Card tool
PURE:PURE - HCE Test Suite version 1.0.0 / Test plan v1.07 / Spec v1.3
Terminals > Kanest OSCar POI Test Suite Phase 2, implementing test plan OSCar POI Test Cases v2.1.2
Acquirers > Kanest OSCar Acquirer Test Suite, implementing test plan OSCar Acquirer Test Cases v2.1.2
Current version 1.5.0 > The ICC Check tool includes CB v3.1.1 allowing the verification of the personalization of CB cards based on Visa, Mastercard and CPACE.
Version 1.4.0 > This release includes CB v3.1 allowing the verification of CB cards personalized with Visa, Mastercard or CPACE.
Calypso Test Suite for Prime V3.1.0 > Specification Calypso Prime V3.3
Calypso Test Suite for Prime V2.3.0 > Specification Calypso Prime V3.2
1. 获得Mastercard/Visa/American Express/Discover/JCB/Unionpay认证的终端认证工具,用户无切换工具之忧
2. 通过硬件仪器连接软件进行测试,而非仅仅用测试卡进行测试
3. 硬件设备Keolabs NomadLAB具有接触和非接触式的卡仿真和卡抓包等功能,也可以配合Ultrasmart X-Core等卡片仿真器进行测试
4. 可无需拔插设备以自动测试,设置终端自动开断电进行逐条案例自动测试,无需手动移动卡片仿真设备做插卡或刷卡动作,大量节省测试时间
5. 通过ICS设置产生不同测试案例集,可通过ICS Configuration产生不同的测试案例集,以只显示该终端支持测试的测试案例
6. 编辑模式支持增减待显示的案例集,可通过Edition Mode增减右侧显示的感兴趣的测试案例集,以免从全部案例集中浪费时间以挑选选择感兴趣的案例
7. 过滤功能仅显示感兴趣的案例集,通过Filter功能仅显示感兴趣的测试案例集,节省测试时间
8. 可显示当前测试案例的测试规范,通过Specification Pane可显示当前测试案例的测试规范,提高对测试案例的了解
9. 测试前显示当前测试案例的提示信息,通过弹出消息框显示当前测试案例的重要提示信息,以免遗漏或疏忽
10. 测试日志log显示完整交易过程,测试日志可逐条显示测试过程中的命令和卡片回馈等全部交易过程
11. 调试模式可修改指令和回馈,测试模式可修改终端的发出指令和卡片的回馈信息,无需修改终端内核程序,节省大量调试时间
12. 软件更新自动汇总Release Note,软件的历史上所有更新和bug修复汇总在Release Note文件内
13. 认证的EMV主机仿真程序,EMV认证的主机仿真程序可确保在线测试案例顺利进行
分类 | 测试套件 | |
卡片及手机测试 | EMVCo | EMVCo CMP AAUI |
Visa | Visa VCBP (Visa Cloud Based Payment) | |
Visa | Visa VIS 1.6 | |
Visa | Visa VCPS 2.2 | |
American Express | American Express AEIPS | |
American Express | American Express Expresspay | |
Discover | Discover & Diners (D-PAS) D-PAS Contact | |
Discover | Discover & Diners (D-PAS) D-PAS Contactless | |
Global Platform | GP UICC | |
Global Platform | GP UICC Amendment C (Contactless Extension) | |
Global Platform | GP SE (Secure Element) | |
Global Platform | GP SE Amendment C (Security Element Contactless Extension) | |
Global Platform | GP SEAC (Secure Element Access Control) Card | |
Global Platform | GP UICC Memory Management Extension | |
Global Platform | GP UICC Amendment B | |
Global Platform | GP BFC (Basic Financial Configuration) | |
Global Platform | GP MG (Mapping Guidelines) | |
Global Platform | GP Common Implementation | |
Global Platform | GP SWP/HCI (Single Wire Protocol & Host Controller Interface) | |
Global Platform | GP ID | |
Global Platform | GP eUICC v2.1 | |
Global Platform | GP eUICC v3.1 | |
Global Platform | GP TEE (TEE API Compliance) | |
Global Platform | GP TEE (TEE Security) | |
Global Platform | GP TEE (TEE SE API Compliance) | |
Global Platform | GP SEAC Device (Secure Element Access Control Device) | |
终端 Level 2 | EMVCo | EMV Level 2 Contact |
EMVCo | EMV Level 2 Entry Point | |
EMVCo, Mastercard | EMV Level 2 Kernel 2, Matercard Contactless Paypass | |
EMVCo, Visa | EMV Level 2 Kernel 3, Visa VCPS Paywave | |
EMVCo, Visa | EMV Level 2 for Online ODA, Visa VCPS Paywave | |
Visa | Visa VOQOS | |
EMVCo, American Express | EMV Level 2 Kernel 4, American Express Expresspay | |
EMVCo, JCB | EMV Level 2 Kernel 5, JCB J/Speedy | |
EMVCo, Discover | EMV Level 2 Kernel 6, Discover Contactless D-PAS | |
EMVCo, Unionpay | EMV Level 2 Kernel 7, Unionpay Quickpass | |
Discover | Discover Contact D-PAS | |
Interac | Interac Contact | |
Interac | Interac Contactless | |
终端 Level 3 | Mastercard | Mastercard M-TIP |
Mastercard | Mastercard M-TIP Interop | |
Mastercard | Mastercard M-TIP US Maestro Contact | |
Mastercard | Mastercard Paypass M-TIP Subset 6 | |
Mastercard | Mastercard Paypass M-TIP Subset 8 | |
Mastercard | Mastercard M-TIP US Maestro Contactless | |
Visa | Visa ADVT (including US and Fleet extensions) | |
Visa | Visa CDET (including US extensions) | |
American Express | American Express AEIPS E2E | |
American Express | American Express Expresspay E2E | |
JCB | JCB JIT Contactless | |
Discover | Discover Network E2E (D-PAS Contact & Contactless, including US Extensions) | |
Discover | Discover E2E | |
Diners Club | Diners Club International DCI E2E (D-PAS Contact & Contactless) | |
Interac | Interac Contact & Contactless | |
Nexo | Nexo POI |
1. 获得Mastercard/Visa/American Express/Discover/JCB/Unionpay认证的终端认证工具,用户无切换工具之忧
2. 通过硬件仪器连接软件进行测试,而非仅仅用测试卡进行测试
3. 硬件设备具有接触和非接触式的卡仿真和卡抓包等功能
4. 可无需拔插设备以自动测试,设置终端自动开断电进行逐条案例自动测试,无需手动移动卡片仿真设备做插卡或刷卡动作,大量节省测试时间
5. 通过ICS设置产生不同测试案例集,可通过ICS Configuration产生不同的测试案例集,以只显示该终端支持测试的测试案例
6. 编辑模式支持增减待显示的案例集,可通过Edition Mode增减右侧显示的感兴趣的测试案例集,以免从全部案例集中浪费时间以挑选选择感兴趣的案例
7. 过滤功能仅显示感兴趣的案例集,通过Filter功能仅显示感兴趣的测试案例集,节省测试时间
8. 可显示当前测试案例的测试规范,通过Specification Pane可显示当前测试案例的测试规范,提高对测试案例的了解
9. 测试前显示当前测试案例的提示信息,通过弹出消息框显示当前测试案例的重要提示信息,以免遗漏或疏忽
10. 测试日志log显示完整交易过程,测试日志可逐条显示测试过程中的命令和卡片回馈等全部交易过程
11. 调试模式可修改指令和回馈,测试模式可修改终端的发出指令和卡片的回馈信息,无需修改终端内核程序,节省大量调试时间
12. 软件更新自动汇总Release Note,软件的历史上所有更新和bug修复汇总在Release Note文件内
13. 认证的EMV主机仿真程序,EMV认证的主机仿真程序可确保在线测试案例顺利进行